links to video & articles
Seahawks Pilgrimage To The South:
A Visual Walk Through American History
Check out the “Seahawks” video and article
Sean Goode, [Former] Executive Director Of
CHOOSE 180, Chosen as Honorary 12 Flag Raiser
Check out the “Seahawks” video and article
‘It all starts with grace’ Sean Goode reflects on
his time as CHOOSE 180 executive director
Check out the “Real Change” article
ParentMap 2020 Superhero Sean Goode:
The Counselor
Check out the “ParentMap” article
As King County looks to end youth detention, Choose 180 offers a path of ‘restorative justice’
Check out the “Seattle Times” video and article
Labor Shortage or Living Wage Shortage: One King County Nonprofit is Taking a Different Approach
Check out the “Seattle Times” article
Seattle Now: Trusting the police
Check out the “Seattle Now” article/interview
An Open Letter to My Black Brothers, Sisters,
and Non-Binary Siblings
Check out the “South Seattle Emerald” article